God's Holiness 神的圣洁

13 min readSep 18, 2024
Photo by chris liu on Unsplash

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I speak. 奉主耶稣基督圣名讲道。

Our merciful and loving God we worship and pray to every day for years. He is the Only One we can turn to when we are in troubles and the One we thank for having blessings throughout our life. 多年来,我们每天都敬拜和祈祷仁慈慈爱的真神。当我们遇到困难时,祂是唯一我们可以求助,我们感谢祂赐予我们一生的祝福。

As we all know, He created every living creatures in this world by His power words. With His words, which is His gospel of Light, He divides the Light from the darkness since the beginning of this world. 我们知道,祂用祂大能的话语创造了世上一切的生灵,祂用祂的道,也就是祂的福音的光,从创世以来就将光明与黑暗分开。

Thus, we believe in Him, His revelations and mysteries in the Bible are His children, His people. The children of disobedience are whom still walk according their own lustful desires and to the world which belongs to the devil. 因此,我们相信祂,相信祂在圣经中的启示和奥秘,这就是祂的儿女,祂的子民。悖逆之子是那些仍然按照自己的情欲行事,并属于魔鬼的世界的人。

Our God is Holy. What does Holiness of God means and how important it is? 我们的神是圣洁的。神的圣洁是什么意思?有多重要?

Exodus 3:5 And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.

出埃及记 3:5 神說、不要近前來、當把你腳上的鞋脫下來、因為你所站之地是聖地。

**God asked Moses to remove his shoes because he was standing on the holy ground. God was speaking to him from the burning bush — God is…




Written by The.Scribbler.Paradise.

Someone with a passionate heart that yearns to inspire, encourage, sharing His words and truth.

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